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Program - Eyes Don't Lie

Eyes Don't lie - Know your internal body health with eye analysis.

10,000    $150

Our eyes home to an enormous bundle of information. They hold all the details about where the body struggles physically and emotionally. The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of the soul. We now acknowledge them as the mirror of the body.

Eyes Don’t Lie includes

  • Eye Photos of Sclera & Iris with Iriscope OR Online Instructions of How to take eye photos yourself?
  • Highlighting 3 major areas of focus for cleanses and healing.
  • A 30 min Audio call for detailed explanation of analysis.
  • Few Tips & Lifestyle changes to improve your health for the next eye analysis.

YES!! If you follow a disciplined routine and inculcate healthy habits your body will heal & we can see the changes in your eye analysis.

Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation, where located and in what stage is manifesting. The iris reveals body constitution, inherent weakness, levels of health and the transition that take place in a person’s body according to the way he lives.

Scelrology is the science of interpreting the red lines in the whites of the eyes for their reflexive and constitutional implications.

More specifically, ’whole body health’ refers to the iris and sclera of the eye.

Iridology & Sclerology

It is a different approach to see what is happening within you!

Our eyes are incredible. Did you know they are more unique than your fingerprints.

Eyes are literally the window to your soul, and they work in two ways. They enable us to bring images of the outside world within, and they also show images of what is happening physically & emotionally inside us. They do this by showing patterns & lines within the eye.


This is possible because the iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibres receive their impulses by way of their connections to optic nerve, optic thalami and spinal cord. Nature is so amazing that it has literally provided us with a miniature television screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex responses.

If you are seriously interested to see what your eyes are reflecting about your health, then go ahead and book your very first session with Heal & Beyond!

Why should you do this?

Know your Body Constitution
Get Clarity on the level of internal health.
Find your Inherent Weakness & Support your body.
Understand how emotional imbalance can affect your body.

Who is this for?

It is for someone trying to understand inner health better. Someone looking to support body’s weaknesses by knowing and healing it further. It motivates you take necessary changes and start focussing on your self.

Start your healing journey now!
Book an appointment for your better health.

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How do we help you achieve your goals?

We inspire and educate people to nourish and heal the body using wholefood as medicine for ever lasting health and vitality. The whole purpose is to help one remove the nasty toxic eating practices, include positive lifestyle habits, and cleanse the internal system with fresh natural wholefoods. This just doesn’t help the body remain healthy but it also regenerates new cells and the body gets rid of diseases, ailments & sickness.

Iridology & Sclerology

Is a different approach to see what is happening within you!

Our eyes are incredible. Did you know they are more unique than your fingerprints.

Eyes are literally the window to your soul, and they work in two ways. They enable us to bring images of the outside world within, and they also show images of what is happening physically & emotionally inside us. They do this by showing patterns & lines within the eye.


This is possible because the iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibres receive their impulses by way of their connections to optic nerve, optic thalami and spinal cord. Nature is so amazing that it has literally provided us with a miniature television screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex responses.

If you are seriously interested to see what your eyes are reflecting about your health, then go ahead and book your very first session with Heal & Beyond!


Our eyes home to an enormous bundle of information. They hold all the details about where the body struggles physically and emotionally. The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of the soul. We now acknowledge them as the mirror of the body.

Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation, where located and in what stage is manifesting. The iris revelas body constitution, inherent weakness, levels of health and the transition that take place in a person’s body according to the way he lives.

Scelrology is the science of interpreting the red lines in the whites of the eyes for their reflexive and constitutional implications.

More specifically, ’whole body health’ refers to the iris and sclera of the eye. This is a detailed picture of the organ placements in our left iris and left sclera.

heal & beyong left eye testing
heal & beyong left eye testing