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The best investment you can ever make
is in your own health.

The best investment you can ever make
is in your own health.

The best investment you can ever make
is in your own health.

welcome to heal & beyondremaining healthy is simple

It is well versed that over the course of time the concept of health being simple seems far-fetched. Let us untangle the knots for you. Make it apparent, obvious, and straight to the point.

At Heal & Beyond, our deepest ambition is to journey alongside individuals, guiding them back to their roots in nature and fostering transformative lifestyle changes that resonate with their hearts. We're dedicated to nurturing a profound connection with whole foods, harnessing their innate power to nourish and heal the body, mind, and soul. Our approach is not just about achieving health; it's about rediscovering a sense of wholeness and vitality that transcends physicality. With us, you'll not only gain invaluable insights into conscious living but also uncover the profound healing potential that resides within you, paving the way for a life filled with radiant well-being and inner harmony.

Holy Flavours Books

Holy Flavours: Vol-1

Holy Flavours: Vol-2

ProgramsConsultations for Your Health

unravel 3,499/ $ 49

Unravel the journey of a better lifestyle.

  • Basic Enquiry form to know your health issues
  • Customized lifestyle plan of self-care & nutrition
  • A list of simple changes that will benefit your health
  • Access to our private health community

Self Care 6,999/ $ 99

Self care is the first and foremost important thing.

  • 90 minutes of Audio/Video call
  • Natural methods of healing for existing acute health issues.
  • A brief understanding of food for body.
  • Answering & solving your doubts and confusion.
  • Access to our private health community.

Switch 19,999/ $ 299

Switch to better habits and lifestyle.

  • Introductory Video call
  • Natural methods of healing the existing acute health issues
  • Weekly follow up calls & full support via WhatsApp
  • A complete understanding of food for body & soul

Transform 49,999/ $ 699

Completely transform to a new healthier you.

  • 12 Weeks of follow up & full support via audio calls & WhatsApp
  • Natural protocols and action plan for healing existing acute/chronic health issues for e.g. Diabetes, Thyroid, Obesity, PCOD etc.
  • A list of helping superfoods, herbs, essential oils
  • Access to our private health community

Eyes don't lie 10,999/ $ 150

Eyes Don't lie - Know your internal body health with eye analysis.

  • Eye Photos of Sclera & Iris with Iriscope OR Online Instructions of How to take eye photos yourself?
  • Highlighting 3 major areas of focus for cleanses and healing.
  • A 30 min Audio call for detailed explanation of analysis.
  • Few Tips & Lifestyle changes to improve your health for the next eye analysis.

Connect Youtube

For Better HealthDid you know that there are 4 main channels that our body uses to eliminate waste?

Perspiration, Respiration, Urination, Defecation

Listen to your body, respect and love it.

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